Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Paper Clips

After watching the movie Paper Clips, I thought that the students at Whitwell definitely were impacted emotionally from the project. They were able to put a picture to how much 6 million actually ammounted to and they learned about survivors' first-hand experiences in the concentration camps. Throughout the most of the movie I wondered how many details about the Holocaust they were learning versus how much they were just focused on recieving more paper clips, but by the end of the movie I do believe this project did teach the students a lot about the facts and emotions of the Holocaust.

The students learned so much that they were able to use the products of their project (the posters, the railroad car, the paperclips) to give guided tours to other schools that were learning about the Holocaust. The fact that the teachers of Whitwell didn't need to be in charge of the tours says a lot about how much the students learned from their Paper Clip project. Someone cannot teach material to others if they don't know the material very well. The guiding students needed to be able to answer questions about the Holocaust and give accurate detailed information. I would consider the ability to give guided tours a way of assessing how much the students actually got out of their Paper Clip project.

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