Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Teacher Panel

I really enjoyed listening to the teacher panel on Monday night. I really was amazed by the influence of technology. First, I was very surprised that all of the middle school students were given their own computers. Immediately came to mind, "Why?" I can understand when the students might be working on a research project in a certain class, but why give them something that can potentially be so distracting for the whole day? If it's known that kids are facebooking and chatting online so much of their time outside of school, then why would we give them the tools to do those same things while they are supposed to be paying attention in school? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Repeatedly I heard the phrase, "We just don't have time..." Not enough time to grade assignments or do hands-on activities. It really surprised me, especially with the hands-on activities, that teachers don't structure their days and their lesson plans so that they do have times for hands-on activities. It surprises me that teachers would cut out activities that students actually enjoy and learn from. I understand that certain regulations might lead to more direct instruction, but I also think that teachers should make the time to do hands-on activities that reinforce ideas taught by direct instruction.

This panel helped me realize how much the students can impact the lives of the teachers. I will have to work on leaving some of the students' problems at school and not bring them into my personal life. If I plan on being a coach it sounds like I will have to work on balancing many responsibilities. But it can be done. Hearing the panel speak about their experiences just makes me more excited to get in the classroom and begin working with students.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you said about the computers given to the children: how they spend so much time facebooking and chatting online while they are not at school. It is so true!
